
Crafting Digital Marketing Success.


Dubai Smile

Project Type

Website Development & SEO





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About the Project

Dubai Smile approached us for assistance after a malicious attack compromised their website. We swiftly resolved the issue, redesigned the site incorporating unique features such as a Smile Gallery, and implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy. Our efforts extended beyond just recovery and design; we focused on optimizing the user experience and ensuring robust security measures were in place.

Within eight months, 60% of their competitive keywords ranked on the first page of Google, significantly boosting their online visibility and customer engagement. The project exemplifies our commitment to delivering secure, user-friendly, and high-performing digital solutions.

The Problem

Dubai Smile reached out to us seeking assistance following a malicious cyber attack that compromised the integrity of their website. In the aftermath of the breach, they encountered a series of critical challenges.


Security Breach

Their website was compromised by a malicious attack, leading to significant security vulnerabilities and operational disruptions. This not only jeopardized their data integrity but also eroded customer trust.


Outdated Design

The existing site design was outdated and lacked modern features, making it less appealing and less functional for users. Essential engagement tools, such as a dynamic Smile Gallery, were missing, reducing user interaction and satisfaction.


Poor SEO Performance

Their website had low visibility on search engines, with poor rankings for competitive keywords. This severely limited their online presence, making it difficult for potential customers to find them and reducing their overall market competitiveness.


We conducted a comprehensive security audit and implemented robust measures to fortify their website against future attacks. Our redesign introduced modern features like a dynamic Smile Gallery, optimizing performance and user experience. Through targeted SEO strategies, we significantly enhanced their online visibility, ensuring Dubai Smile’s website security, functionality, and market competitiveness.

Project Highlights

Website Design

Website Design

Engineered a sophisticated and user-centric website interface, integrating dynamic elements like the Smile Gallery to enrich user engagement.



Directed a comprehensive rebranding initiative, injecting Dubai Smile’s visual identity with fresh energy and enhancing its market relevance.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Strategically optimized Dubai Smile’s online presence, yielding significant enhancements in search engine rankings and organic visibility, resulting in heightened traffic and engagement.

Website Development

Website Development

Carefully crafted a scalable and high-performing website architecture, ensuring seamless functionality across all platforms and devices.

Working with 10 multiply has been a game-changer for our business. Their SEO services have helped us rank higher on search engine. Currently, 60% of our targeted keywords have achieved a top 10 ranking.

Dr. Ahmed
Dr. Ahmed

CEO @ Dubai Smile